Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tues track practice

Today we met at Soquel High School Track, and if you haven't noticed yet, every
Tues we meet at the same track with the coaches. Today we mostly focused on are walk technique.
We did some lunges( I know I'm going to feel the lunges for the next few days) lunge hold, lunge hold, lunge hold, that was fun. The coaches have us doing some sprinting and recovery time and a lot of exercises to help with the walking technique. There are two that are especially fun to do, one is the girlie walk and that is where we are walking kind of like Charlie Chaplin with our hand in front of us swaying them back and forth, I know I look too funny. And the other is with are arms in straight out in front palms facing up in a cup position, looks like we are walking holding an egg, that is where we all are cracking up, and so is everyone in the bleachers that is watching us.
At the end of every workout the coaches will have us do stretches along with some leg, arm and stomach exercises.
It's all about the walking technique and stretches this week....
Practice, practice and more practice.