Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wharf to Wharf ----- Jacob's Birthday

Today is my son's 14th Birthday---Happy Birthday Jacob----
and it is also The Wharf to Wharf Race, which I have entered.
I am so glad that Jacob is being such a trooper about this, I mean what 14 year old do you know that wants to spend his birthday at his ol mom's racing event. But we will make it up to him after the race.

Opps I did it again, but this time I was official, first time I have done W2W with a official bib #.
The race started at 8:30 and I was really excited, I knew the gun was going to go any minute now to start the race and I still jumped, and than we were off. It was so hard getting going because there were thousands of people running in the race and everyone wants to beat the next person. I have to say that most people were really nice in the race, but there were a few people that just shoved me out of the way a couple times.
All along the way people are cheering you on and there are all kinds of bands and singing groups, dancers, and you name it they did had all kinds of entertainment, it was awesome. I really love the route that we do, all along you have a great view of the ocean, what more could I ask for? I had to make one stop during the whole race, one of the runners accidentely stepped on the back of my shoe just as I was about to step forward, causing my shoe to fall off my foot and go flying up the street. That was my first and only pit stop to put the tread back on my foot. All and All the race went really well and I felt totally great through the whole thing. although I really can't believe that at the end of the race they expect you to trudge all the way down the beach, through the sand, to collect you race package and shirt, right after you just finished the race, I mean really people get real ;-)
The race was 6 miles and it really was a pretty good race, I think I will make it a yearly event for me.
I started at 8:30 and came through the finish line at exactly 10:00, that is 30 minutes faster than last year, I'm stoked!!!